lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017


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Listen to two conversations. What's wrong with Simon and Emily? Are they going to the meeting?

Listen again and fill in the gaps. Then, practise the conversations with your partner.

SIMON        ......, Rachel
RACHEL     ......., Simon. You don't look ................... . Are ................?
SIMON        No, I feel .......
RACHEL     Oh, ........ . What's .......?
SIMON        I've got a terrible .................... . 
RACHEL     Well, maybe you shouldn't ............................. today.
SIMON        I know, but Emily and I have got an important .................. 
                 this morning. It's with some people from Morris ................... .
RACHEL     Well, why don't you ............ them  and .............. it?
SIMON        Yes, .............. you're right. We can have the meeting 
                 .................................... instead.
RACHEL     .............. . And then go ................. .
SIMON        OK. That's a ................................. .  
RACHEL     And maybe you should ................................ .
SIMON        Yes, perhaps.
RACHEL     OK. .........., Simon. I hope you get ............... soon.
SIMON        Bye, Rachel. ............... a lot. (...)

EMILY       ......., Tim.
TIM            Hi, Emily. ................... alright?
EMILY       No, I don't .............. very well.
TIM            Oh, dear. What's the matter?
EMILY       I've got a ........................ and a ......................... .
TIM            Why don't you ........................?
EMILY       I can't. I've got a meeting ........................... . It's really 
               ............................ .
TIM            Who's your ........................................?
EMILY       Simon and some ........................ from Morris Computers.
TIM            Well, Simon called about ........................... ago and left a 
                 .................. . He's ......... and he's not coming ...... today.
EMILY       Oh, no!
TIM            And the meeting with Morris Computers is next ............ now.
EMILY       Oh, so ...................... a meeting today. That's ................. . 
               So I .......... go home.
TIM            Yes. Take the ............. off. You should be in ............. . 
                 And don't come to work ............... .
EMILY       OK. .................................... .
TIM            No ..................... . Get well soon.
EMILY       ..............., Tim. ................. .

lunes, 17 de abril de 2017


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lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017


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Watch the Wilson family planning a day out.

Then, open your Student's book on page 76 and do exercise 3.

Work in pairs and compare answers.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017


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La semana pasada vimos en clase El Presente Perfecto. Hoy vamos a ver las diferencias entre El Presente Perfecto y El Pasado Simple. Aquí tenéis un video que lo resume:

(El video incluye actividades interactivas por lo que si necesitas más tiempo del que dan para pensar las respuestas no dudes en pausarlo. Así comprobarás si lo estás entendiendo.)

Ahora podéis hacer las actividades 7, 8, 9 y 10 de las páginas 25 y 26 del cuadernillo. Las corregiremos mañana en clase.

A continuación tenéis distintos links con actividades para practicar más:

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017


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Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 
  1. How much phone calls do you make or get on a normal day?
  2. Do you always answer your phone at work or at home? If not, why?
  3. When was the las phone call you made? Who did you call? Why?
Watch and listen to two phone calls. What does Emily talk to Clare about? When can Emily talk to Chris Morris again?


Open your Student's Book at page 69. Do the exercise 5b. DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO.

Watch the video again and check your answers. 

Do the activity 7. You have the answers here.

  • In phone conversations we say It's Clare, not I'm Clare.
  • When you say who you are, you must know that This is... is more formal than It's...
  • Hold on a moment means wait. A more formal equivalent is Hold the line, please.
  • get in I got your message means receive, while get in I'll get him/her means find.
  • The verbs call, ring and phone have the same meaning.
Listen and practice the sentences in activity 7.

Finally, do the activity 9. Compare answers with your classmate. You can find the asnwers here.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017


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Dowload this document and do the exercises 1-3. Send me the answers by email.

These are the audios of the exercises 2 and 3:

Exercise 2b. CD2 - 56

Exercise 3. CD2 - 57

martes, 31 de enero de 2017


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Diferences between Present Simple and Prent Continuous in Spanish

Present Simple or Present Continuous (también llamado Present Progressive)
(Here you can find the diferences between these two tenses. There are also ten activities at the end of the website)

Present Simple or Continuous

Exercise 1 
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

More online activities

The Present Simple or Continuous (printable exercise with answers)
Another activity with answers

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017


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Read this text and answer the questions. You can search the Internet.


The School Day

The School Day of Peace and Non-Violence was established by the Mallorcan poet Llorenç Vidal on 30 January 1964 and it is celebrated around the world.

This day remember the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, the pacifist leader.

Who was this person? What did he do?

Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to people who have worked in favour of it, be they politicians, writers, peasants, etc. 

Who did create this prize? Why?

Now, we are going to do two activities in groups:

GROUP 1. Look for how is writing the word "peace" in other languages and make a poster with those words.
GROUP 2. Look for some sayings and sentences about peace and make a poster with them.

domingo, 1 de enero de 2017


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10 felicitaciones de Año Nuevo

Wishing you a Happy New Year with hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.
Te deseo un Feliz Año Nuevo y espero que este año por venir te traiga muchas bendiciones.

Out with the old, in with the new, may you be happy the whole year through. Happy New Year!
¡Afuera lo viejo, que venga lo nuevo! Que seas muy feliz en este año que viene. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

As I think about our friendship and how happy it has made me, I want to wish you happiness in the year to come.
Cuando pienso en nuestra amistad y lo feliz que me ha hecho, quiero desearte felicidad en este año que viene.

I would like to say how much joy you have given me, and wish for you joy and happiness in return. Happy New Year!
Me gustaría decirte cuánta alegría me has dado, y desearte felicidad y alegría. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Another year filled with sweet memories and joyous times has passed. You made my year special and I wish you continue to do so.
Ha pasado otro año lleno de dulces recuerdos y alegrías. Tu amistad ha sido muy importante para mi y espero que continúe floreciendo en el año que viene.

With you around, every moment is an occasion for me. I hope you have a great year ahead. I love you and wish you a very Happy New Year.
Contigo alrededor, cada momento es una ocasión especial para mí. Espero que tengas un gran año por delante.  Te quiero y te deseo un muy feliz Año Nuevo.

Another year has passed, another year has come. I wish for you, that with every year you touch all your dreams. May God pour love and care on you. Happy New Year.
Ha pasado otro año, y otro año ha llegado. Te deseo, que cada año se cumplan todos sus sueños. Feliz Año Nuevo.

Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year, comes greater challenges and obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face. May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead.
Otro año de éxito y felicidad. Con cada nuevo año,  llegan más desafíos y obstáculos. Te deseo el coraje, la esperanza y la fe para superarlos todos. Que tengas un maravilloso año.

As the New Year dawns, I hope it is filled with the promises of a brighter tomorrow. Happy New Year!
En los albores del Año Nuevo, espero que esté lleno de promesas para un mañana más brillante. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year.
Un año nuevo es como un libro en blanco. La pluma está en tus manos . Es tu oportunidad de crearte una hermosa historia. Feliz Año Nuevo.

(Taken from ABBA English)